HCHC Sportsmanship Policies

Respect is Non-Negotiable:

  • Respect must be given at all times to coaches, fans, referees and teammates.
  • Verbal offenses, including any racial, prejudicial hate slurs will not be tolerated
  • Physical offenses are not acceptable
  • Social Media posts showing disrespect to the above and/or our Club are not allowed

Good Sportsmanship:

  • Positive sportsmanship is expected at all times before, during, and after games
  • Hand-shake line disruptions will not be tolerated
  • Any disruption or disrespectful behavior in the hand-shake line will result in an automatic 1 game suspension, and this can be extended further if needed by the coaches and Rules & Ethics
  • Emotional outbursts/objections to penalties are unacceptable

Fighting is Prohibited:

  • There is Zero Tolerance on fighting
  • Any player who receives a fighting penalty and/or is or kicked out of a game for fighting will automatically have an additional game suspension on top of whatever the league assigns
  • Rules & Ethics, along with coach input, reserve the right to go beyond this if appropriate

Locker Room Care:

  • Pick up trash and take out to dumpster
  • No defacing or damaging any lockers/walls/bathroom
  • Never leave water running
  • No after-hours use of locker room
  • Respect the rink - see something, say something

Consequences for Failure to Follow Policies:

Violation Consequences* are as follows:

  1. First offense, player will sit period(s), and/or game suspension at coach discretion
  2. Second offense, player will sit for period(s), and Rules & Ethics will be involved in determining possible further game suspension
  3. Third offense, player will sit for a game(s), and Rules & Ethics will be involved in determining possible extended suspension, or removal from the Club

* These consequences are a guideline. Fighting has a harsher penalty noted above in the “No Fighting” bullet points

* Hand-Shake Line disruption has a harsher penalty noted above in the “Good Sportsmanship” bullet points

* The coaching staff and the Rules & Ethics reserve the right to slightly alter these consequences to fit the violation

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