HCHS Athletic Code of Conduct


 1. A code is a system of guiding principles and rules that communicate norms and values and helps individuals distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. This code outlines Hinsdale High School District 86 and Hinsdale Central’s expectations for students who choose to be involved in our extracurricular program. 

2. Hinsdale Central High School offers an extensive and diverse athletic program to provide additional learning opportunities to students who wish to develop special interests, skills, and talents to a higher level. Involvement in these activities is voluntary and a privilege; students choosing to participate take on extended responsibilities as representatives of their school and community. These extended responsibilities justify holding students who choose to participate in the athletic program to a higher standard of conduct as a condition of participation. 

3. Students who choose to participate in the athletic program are responsible for behaving in accordance with the code. 



Students will be suspended from participation in athletic activities for misconduct including but not limited to the following. All participants MUST: 

1. Realize the importance of academic excellence. (IHSA, Hinsdale High School District 86 and Hinsdale Central require the participant to receive passing grades in at least five (5) classes. This is per week during their athletic season and each semester. 

2. Not use or possess tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs. (“Possession” as used in this code shall mean having any knowledge of, and any control over, an item.) 

3. Practice good citizenship in all environments by respecting the property and rights of others. (Poor citizenship includes actions such as hazing, harassment, stealing, vandalism, and other illegal acts.) 

4. Realize the existence of and be held accountable for the individual rules as outlined by the coach or sponsor, other than those outlined in the Athletic Code. 



 The Athletic Code applies to all students who choose to participate in athletic activities. Students are encouraged to discuss any questions regarding the code with their coaches or sponsors. 

The Athletic Code-Parental Permission Form is to be signed by a parent (guardian) and participant prior to his/her participation. The commitment that those signatures represent will remain in effect for ONE CALENDAR YEAR from the date of last participation by the student. In order for the student to participate after that date, the participant and parent must once again sign said form, which in turn will commit the participant just as stated above. Code violations do, however, carry over from one year to the next. 



A participant who uses or possesses tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs is in violation of the Athletic Code. A verifiable Code violation is deemed to have occurred when: 

a) A District 86 employee or representative thereof personally confirms the participant’s possession of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs; or a participant is given a citation, ticket or peer jury by a law enforcement agency. 


b) A participant admits to the Athletic Director that he/she has consumed or possessed any above said substance in violation of the Code; 


c) Verification by parent/guardian or District 86 employee or law enforcement agency, or representative thereof, confirming consumption of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs at any gathering hosted on private property by the parent(s) (guardian) or family of participant(s) who are subject to the Hinsdale High School District 86 and Hinsdale Central Athletic Code Commitment. 



NOTE: Participants are subject to disciplinary action for behavior not described in the substance abuse violation section of the Athletic Code. Disciplinary action for behavior in violation of school rules as described in the Hinsdale Central Handbook may also subject participants to disciplinary action under the Athletic Code. Additionally, conduct resulting in the participant’s arrest or conviction of an ordinance violation or crime may result in disciplinary action under the Athletic Code.

 1st Offense 

a) A meeting including the participant and Athletic Director. Others that may be in attendance would be parents (guardian) and/or coach and/or sponsor can be involved to discuss the infraction and an intervention meeting may be recommended. 

Following that: 

a) The participant must accept suspension from participating contests totaling 50% of those contracted for the season. This suspension can be reduced to 20% if the student agrees to attend an assessment program. Documentation of attendance in the assessment program must be provided in order to receive the reduction. The cost of this program will be the responsibility of the athlete. 

 b) If the violation is for an offense that is not an illegal substance but for another illegal act, the student athlete will be suspended from participating in 20% of contests contracted for the season. 

 c) In addition, the athlete will need to serve 20 hours of community service. This community service must be completed and turned into the Athletic Director by the due date stated on the form. The community service must be preapproved by the Athletic Director. 

 If the above suspension/community service hours are not completed by the season/year’s end, the suspension is continued to completion during the next season/year in which the student participates. The consequence of the first violation is not considered complete until both the 50% suspension and the 20 community hours are completed. The athlete also must finish the season in which he/she has served their suspension in good standing. 

The student will continue to practice or attend meetings during his/her suspension. 

 2nd Offense 

b) A meeting as described above must be conducted. 

 Following that: 

The student is suspended from participation for a period of one calendar year. The participant will practice or attend meetings while serving his/her suspension. This suspension can be reduced to 50% of the contracted season if the student agrees to attend an assessment program and agrees to the time period of counseling that is recommended by the program. If the violation is for an offense that is not an illegal substance but for another illegal act, the student athlete will be suspended from participating in 50% of contests contracted for the season. 

 c) The athlete will also perform 20 hours of community service as stated above. The athlete also must finish the season in which he/she has served their suspension in good standing. 

 d) The participant must satisfactorily complete the appropriate school recognized intervention program or the athletic director must approve the timetable for completion before resumption of eligibility is considered. The cost of this program will be the responsibility of the athlete. 

 Following that: 

e) The student must submit a formal written request for participation reinstatement to the Athletic Director, and the Head Coach/Sponsor following the completion of the 50% suspension. Completion of the community service hours and completed intervention program may not yet be completed. Upon receipt of such request, a favorable consensus may be rendered, therefore reinstating eligibility before the program and community service hours are completed. 

 3rd Offense 

Eligibility is terminated immediately for the remainder of the student’s high school career. 



Prior to imposing a penalty under this Athletic Code, the student and his/her parent/guardian will be notified of the suspected violation and will be given an opportunity to respond to the Athletic Director. The Athletic Director will give notice by attempting to contact the parent/guardian in writing and/or by telephone. The parent’s/guardian’s response to the suspected Code violation must be made to the Athletic Director within 48 hours of when they first receive notice, whether by way of telephone or in writing. The Athletic Director will consider the response of the parent/guardian before reaching a final decision. The decision of the Athletic Director will be final and binding upon the participant. A follow-up letter outlining the final decision of the meeting will be sent to the parents/guardians. 



A participant may voluntarily admit an athletic code violation or substance abuse problem to the Athletic Director. This must take place prior to being ticketed, for a verifiable offense, issued a citation or there is an ongoing investigation, After admission of a substance abuse problem or violation, the participant may, under some circumstances, be allowed to continue uninterrupted eligibility. However, continued eligibility will only be available to participants who have not previously been disciplined by substance abuse violations. The Athletic Director on a case-by-case basis will determine whether or not a participant who voluntarily admits a substance abuse problem will be allowed to continue uninterrupted eligibility. If the admission is for a violation, this admission will count as a code violation with no consequence. 



If an appeal is requested, the Principal or his designee will review the decision of the Athletic Director. During the appeal process, the decision of the Athletic Director shall be enforced. 



The School District does NOT carry a policy insuring students against accidents and injuries while participating in any student athletics. However, an ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLAN is available to all students. The information and request form are included with the BOOK LIST mailed to every student registered at Central. Information concerning supplemental insurance coverage is available at the Hinsdale Central Bookstore. 

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